New Quilting Territory

I'm not one who likes to hand sew. If I can do it on my machine I will. Bind a quilt by hand?! You must be joking. Honestly it would probably take me a week for a baby quilt. I grudgingly hand sew my quilt labels on - that's if I haven't sewn them onto the back before quilting or cleverly attached it when sewing on my binding. If I'm going to have a needle in my hand, I'd prefer it to be a size 7 knitting needle, thank you very much.

Then I started seeing all these cute hexie projects. I'd pin a few that caught my eye (don't get me started on the joys of pinterest!) and try not to think about them. Then someone else would post a picture of a cute hexie and I'd linger just a bit longer... Well, I finally caved and decided to try it myself. I had a 3 hour volunteer shift at Give Kids the World, manning the Welcome Booth. It's a solitary job and you have long stretches of nothing to do. I usually bring a book to read but this time I decided to bring some supplies and see what the hexie craze was all about.

I followed Haley's english paper piecing tutorial series on her blog The Zen of Making and they were all really great. Now, just to be clear - I still don't like hand sewing and I have no intention of hand stitching these all together. Ever. I have something else in mind...


  1. I have done one project with hexies but I could not get them to look so smooth and beautiful like yours! Yours look great! Also...I will never hand stitch them together either

  2. Oh, I am totally curious how you use these cute hexies! I do like to hand stitch down my binding, but these EPP hexies definitely scare me off! :)

  3. Yes, even a baby quilt takes me two days (evenings) to bind by hand, but I sew small stitches.

  4. so funny! Looking forward to seeing what you turn those hexies into :-)

  5. good to see you trying the hexies. Now I prefer hand sewing I find it so much more relaxing though must admit since I started quilting I have quite enjoyed the machine and would not enjoy making a large quilt by hand. Cannot imagine what you plan to do with your hexies if you are not hand stitching them together.

  6. I'm intrigued by your plans! I've been making EPP hexies too. I am going to join them but at the moment I'm just enjoying putting the hexies together

  7. I am exactly like you when it comes to hand stitching so loved your post and am reallllllly curious as to what you're going to do with these hexies.

  8. Just like all these bloggers above, I do not like hand work either. Funny, because I used to do counted cross stitch, embroidery, crewel, but not anymore.
    I do my binding completely on the machine now too, and I'm very happy with it.
    I too am very curious what you'll do with the hexies.

  9. I so totally agree about hand stitching, and as much as I love the look of hexies, I just can't get a needle out to try them.

  10. Good for you! I've got a little hand project that I carry around. Sometimes I feel like doing it. Sometimes I don't. Well, most times I dont. I'm determined to hold on to it though - even if it takes years on years.

  11. Hexies keep catching my eye too but I am not one to hand sew myself. My hands will even shake..I think it makes me anxious! LOL! These hexies make me want to try again though! Love yours!

  12. I love Hexies but they take forever by hand. Interested to see your shortcut for stitching them together!

  13. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for these! Hand-stitching is ok when I do marathon tv watching :)


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